Chiesa di Maria SS. Addolorata

o Madonna del Fulmine


Also called Madonna of the Lightning following a harrowing storm occurred in the winter of 1691 in which the entire population fled frightened at Sea Gate, Porta Garibaldi today to implore the Virgin. It is said that lightning struck the horse of a young believer who had stopped to pray. It was a miracle for saving the life of the boy.
On July 14, 1691 as a token of gratitude citizenship, with the donations collected, built at a church where the miracle was placed above an older small chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Conception.
The Church overlooks Piazza Addolorata hosts one of the most significant and evocative images of Mary Our Lady of Sorrows.
The sculpture seems to have been made by a non-commissioned officer in the wake of the Spaniards in service between 1786 and 1790, with cypress wood and then finished in investments in paper and paintings by Priest Donato.
Particularly impressive face, which mysteriously seems to have been found one morning in his case completed during the implementation.
Under the altar that houses the Madonna, the Christ lying dead artist Carmelo Bruno (1934).Both the idols are taken in procession on Good Friday and leaving the Church on this special occasion only.